August 2018 Mercy Health Muskegon DAISY Award Recipient Shuling Gelderloos, BSN, RN
September 23, 2018
The August 2018 Mercy Health Muskegon DAISY Award recipient is Shuling Gelderloos, BSN, RN, from North 2 Labor & Delivery Unit at the Hackley Campus. Shuling was nominated by one of her patients.
“Shuling was a wonderful nurse during my labor. She was caring, compassionate, courteous and attentive to all of my needs. She guided me during labor and encouraged me and my husband the entire time. She was always smiling and we were always laughing together. She kept us very relaxed and helped us to enjoy bringing our son into the world. She made sure to check on my husband to make sure he was eating and taking care of himself. I love so much that she truly took care of our family — me, my unborn baby, and my husband — not just me. She went above and beyond caring for us.
“One particular moment was when there was a mix-up about me eating lunch, and we were trying to eat something light really quickly prior to starting Pitocin. It was at peak lunch time hours, and I called to order a PB & J sandwich, but the doctor had put in the chart that I was to be clear liquid diet only — which was not the case, as the doctor had instructed me to eat before Pitocin was started — so the girl on the phone told me no on my food request. I called Shuling and the doctor, and explained to them what happened and told her I only wanted PB & J.
“Next thing I know, Shuling walks into my room with a PB & J sandwich, water, and popsicles — she said she brought it to me to avoid the long wait at lunch hour, and because of the mix-up, she did not want me to wait and starve any longer. She was the best nurse I have ever had! She was so kind and made certain that I was comfortable, respected and treated with dignity — things that vulnerable, laboring mothers need. I hope that her hard work and loving and compassionate care, will not go unrecognized. She is a one-of-a-kind, extraordinary woman!”
Shuling was honored with a surprise celebration on the unit before her leaders, peers, and patient and family.