Quick Consult: Oncologists Discuss Why Late-Stage Breast Cancer on the Rise
October 12, 2023
Categories: Cancer
Kathleen Beekman, MD, and Amanda Kupstas, MD, are a board-certified oncologist and a breast surgical oncologist, respectively, with Trinity Health IHA Medical Group. With October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month, they spoke with Friday Musings to discuss the specialty services available within Trinity Health, the importance of receiving routine screenings, and more.
Q: How common is breast cancer compared to other forms?
Dr. Kupstas: Breast cancer is the leading form of cancer in women worldwide. According to the World Health Organization, there were 2.26 million cases of breast cancer in 2020, which is more than other common forms like lung, colon and rectum, and prostate cancers.
However, even though breast cancer is common, it is very treatable. When diagnosed, early breast cancer outcomes are excellent. Woman diagnosed with Stage I breast cancer have a 5-year breast cancer specific survival rate of 98-100%. This is why mammograms and early detection are so important.
Q: What are some common signs and symptoms of breast cancer?
Dr. Kupstas: Women should be familiar with how their breasts look and feel, so if they notice any sort of change, they should see their primary care physician right away. Concerning signs in the breast include a palpable mass, skin dimpling, and nipple discharge, although you should bring up any change or new symptoms to your primary care doctor.
Q: How important is being regularly screened for breast cancer?
Dr. Beekman: It is crucial women are up-to-date on all their screenings, but especially for breast cancer. Early detection reduces the risk of death and increases the likelihood that physicians can intervene successfully. The unfortunate reality is we have seen a decline in women being up-to-date on their screenings in recent years. And there is data that suggests more women are being diagnosed with advanced stages of breast cancer.
Thankfully for community members in Livonia, we have mammograms and other imaging services available close by at Trinity Health Livonia.
Q: What other cancer services are provided in the Livonia area?
Dr. Beekman: Our cancer program is the lead site for multiple hospitals across the country for a national research program called the NCI Community Oncology Research Program (NCORP). This program allows us to provide many clinical trials to cancer patients.
We also assign nurse navigators to every patient to assist them with basic needs such as setting them up with the right physicians and any needed diagnostic testing. Nurse navigators also work directly with the patient’s oncologists and other physicians to make sure the patient gets what they need in a timely manner.
Finally, patients can also receive other comprehensive, supportive services such as nutrition counseling, oncology social work, and psychological care, if desired.
Q: Is there anything else the community should know?
Dr. Kupstas: It can’t be emphasized enough; women 40 and above should have a mammogram every year. Most breast cancers are diagnosed in women who are in good health and have no family history of cancer, so there is no reason to avoid getting a mammogram. If you have a strong family history or a history of breast cancer at a young age, you may qualify for screening under the age of 40 and/or more frequent screening.
We are honored to provide the highest quality of care for our community. No one should go through cancer alone. At Trinity Health Michigan, we support our patients through every step of their journey.
Schedule your mammogram online by clicking here.