Activities and Special Features

University of Michigan
Residents have a yearlong appointment as adjunct clinical faculty of the University of Michigan College of Pharmacy. This opportunity involves serving as a classroom and clinical instructor for third or fourth year pharmacy students. The resident travels a short 10-minute drive to the College one afternoon per week for one semester to perform their didactic duties. The adjunct faculty appointment provides an added benefit of full access to the University of Michigan library database.
Trinity Health Ann Arbor
To provide formal presentation experience, each resident participates in a nursing education lecture series throughout the year and gives a pharmacy ACPE presentation. There are also didactic lectures as part of certain clinical rotations, typically with a resident physician audience. Also, precepting opportunities exist with pharmacy students on their APPE or IPPE rotations, and the resident will serve as a mentor to one of our University of Toledo Block students.
Research Project
Each resident will select a research project that meets their interest from a list provided by the clinical pharmacy preceptors in July. Completing the project will involve assisting with writing the proposal, obtaining IRB approval, collecting and analyzing data and preparing a written summary of the project and results. Residents will have statistical support provided by hospital-affiliated statisticians to assist with the data analysis portion of their project.
The residency project will be presented in the Resident Poster Session at the ASHP Midyear meeting in December and at the Trinity Health Ann Arbor Research Forum in mid-April. Finally, the resident's research is presented formally at the Great Lakes Pharmacy Resident Conference in late April.
Committee Involvement
Committee membership is fulfilled on one of the hospital's Collaborative Practice Teams (CPT) that the resident attends throughout the year. Options include: Anticoagulation, Code Blue, Critical Care, Pain, Renal, and Stroke. In addition to this commitment, the resident will also participate in the Antimicrobial Stewardship Subcommittee.
Code Blue Response
Residents will rotate carrying the code blue pager during the day and attend codes throughout the hospital.
Weekend/Staffing Responsibilities
The residents work every third weekend, performing a mix of clinical duties (pharmacokinetics, antimicrobial stewardship, anticoagulation monitoring, target drug monitoring) and order verification.
Additional Projects
The residents also complete a variety of projects including drug monographs, treatment guidelines, medication use evaluations, a newsletter article, in-services, and case presentations.
Special Features
Residents will receive a laptop computer and embroidered lab coat. Parking is free, and on campus. Additionally our residents have the opportunity to observe an operating room case if desired.