Internal Medicine

The Internal Medicine/Wayne State University Residency Program at Trinity Health Livonia is a fully ACGME-accredited three-year training program. At THLH we pride ourselves for training physicians competent in Evidence-based Based Practice, Quality Assessment and Improvement, Teamwork, Collaboration and developing skills to practice and flourish in the current evolving Health care environment.
Internal Medicine is the discipline encompassing the study and practice of health promotion, disease prevention, diagnosis, care, and treatment of men and women from adolescence to old age, during health and all stages of illness. Intrinsic to the discipline are scientific knowledge, the scientific method of problem-solving, evidence-based decision-making, a commitment to lifelong learning, and an attitude of caring that is derived from humanistic and professional values.
The Trinity Health Livonia educational programs overall goals and objectives are to graduate an outstanding, competent, knowledgeable and qualified internal medicine primary care physician, hospitalist or subspecialty applicant. The overall curriculum is primary care orientated with flexibility to accommodate the personal needs of each individual resident. Highlights of our program include:
- A robust group of core faculty in both the inpatient and outpatient setting. Subspecialists who are actively involved in training and education.
- Strong MICU experience with hands-on POCUS use
- Inpatient services (MTS rotations) supervised by Academic hospitalists.
- Exciting and unique clinical research, Systems-Based Practice and QI programs.
- Opportunity to develop an Individualized Learning Experience (IEE).
- One of the best benefits for helping you with educational expenses, conference coverage, Meal allowances.
- Focus on creating a nurturing Clinical Learning Environment.
- We welcome your interest in our program.