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GME Standard Criteria

Thank you for your interest in the graduate medical education programs at Trinity Health Livonia. We are excited about embarking on this new journey with you. Recruitment for the Internal Medicine Residency Program will take place between October and January. Applications will be accepted only through Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS). An invitation for interview* will be communicated through email. Our program participates in the NRMP Main Match.

Following are our guidelines for applying to our program:

  • Completed application with all corresponding materials submitted to ERAS.
  • Three letters of reference
  • While we do not have a strict graduation cut-off, preference is given to individuals who have graduated from medical school within the past three-four years and have clinical experience within the past three years. Being part of a residency training program in a different country within the last 3 years is also considered.
  • USMLE: Applicants must have passed USMLE Step 1 before the interview. Applicants must pass USMLE Step 2 CK S before beginning the program, and ideally before the NRMP Rank Order List. While we do not have strict requirements, it is strongly preferred that USMLE step 2 scores are at least 220 on the first attempt. Osteopathic applicants (DO) need not take USMLE exams to be considered for our program. The COMLEX exams are accepted.
  • Applicant must qualify for a full or unrestricted educational limited license in the State of Michigan.
  • International Medical Graduates must be certified by ECFMG.
  • Eligibility to work in the U.S. is required. We prefer for candidates to have US clinical experience in the form of clinical rotations, externships, observerships.
  • Resident transfers into advanced training years must follow all RRC, ACGME, and ABIM requirements. Each case will be reviewed on an individual basis by the program director. In order to be reviewed for possibility of transfer, please contact our office for further information.

Again, thank you for your interest in our programs. If you have any further questions you may contact us via email at Dawn.Paynter@Trinity-Health.org .