Hepatitis C
The Trinity Health Medical Group Infectious Disease Clinic is a statewide leader in the battle against one of the world’s most common blood-borne infections. The Hepatitis C Clinic is located in Muskegon.
We help diagnose and treat patients with hepatitis C by coordinating care between the patient and a comprehensive team of professionals.
Patients are referred to the Infectious Disease Clinic for diagnosis and treatment by their primary care provider.

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Our specialists work with your referring physician to determine the best approach for treatment and education.
Please contact an Infectious Disease location or provider for more information.
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What is Hepatitis C?
Hepatitis C is a virus that causes inflammation of the liver. Chronic hepatitis C causes tiny scars and inflammation in your liver that can lead to extensive liver scarring or fibrosis (stiffening of the liver).
The infection can go undetected for decades, finally surfacing with symptoms such as joint pain or fatigue that mimic the natural signs of aging. If left untreated, the virus can cause cirrhosis, cancer and death.
Hepatitis C is passed from an infected individual to another individual through blood exposure only, such as through the sharing of needles or other intravenous drug paraphernalia.
Diagnosis and Treatment
Hepatitis C is diagnosed through a specific blood test to see if you are chronically infected and to determine the type of virus you have. Further testing will be completed to determine the extent of liver damage.
We use FibroScan® to assess the degree of fibrosis/scarring of the liver. This non-invasive, painless procedure replaces the need for a traditional liver biopsy.
Hepatitis C is treated by oral medications only, which can be prescribed by our team.