
We are pleased to offer you a way to register for your next medical procedure over the phone.
To pre-register, you will need the following information:
- Your insurance card
- Date of test/procedure
- Information about your doctor — name and address
- Employment contact information
- Emergency contact information
- Your private email address
Please select a region:
To pre-register over the phone, contact us at:
- 616-685-4000, option #2 (Trinity Health Grand Rapids Hospital)
- 855-850-4123 (Trinity Health Muskegon Hospital)
- 231-861-3002 (Trinity Health Shelby Hospital)
We will ask you to present your insurance card and photo identification, and verify the pre-registration information. If a deposit is required, this information will be communicated to you personally.
Please pre-register at least three (3) days prior to your scheduled visit.
If your appointment is scheduled within the next 48 hours or you have questions, please call:
- 616-685-4000, option 2 (Grand Rapids)
- 855-850-4123 for pre-registration (Muskegon)
I understand that any information submitted to Trinity Health Michigan is encrypted and will be used by Trinity Health Michigan only for registration or medical records. Use of the information will follow all federal and state laws and regulations related to medical record privacy. I understand that I voluntarily submit information here and that I also have the option of completing registration in person at the appropriate Trinity Health Michigan facility.