General Information

During your stay
- Video: You may capture video without a tripod in the labor/delivery area with permission from your physician or midwife. It is however not permitted in the Cesarean Section Room or Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.
- Visitor Guidelines
- A spouse or significant other, 18 years and older, may stay with you in the mother/baby unit.
- Visiting hours are at the discretion of the new mother. We do encourage you to limit visitors to allow you time to bond with your baby and rest.
- Up to 3 visitors are allowed for support during labor and delivery and must wear a visitors badge at all times.
- Siblings and children age 12 and under can only visit with an adult who is able to watch them.
- Family and friends who are ill or who have been exposed to chicken pox or measles should not visit you in the hospital.
- Baby’s Security: Your baby’s safety is a responsibility shared both by you and by the hospital staff. Some of our hospital practices include an electronic security system, matching identification bands for parents and baby, identification badges for all hospital staff and after 10pm visitors required to obtain a special night visitor's badge.
- Labor and Delivery vs. Mother/ Baby unit: Labor and Delivery is an intensive care unit where you receive 1:1 Or 1:2 nursing care. After you complete your recovery time the physicians and midwives do not feel you need an intensive care setting for the rest of your hospital stay. Mother/ Bbay is a place to rest, heal and recover from the delivery. This is also a time for education, Your nurse will be a good resource for infant feeding, caring for yourself after delivery, caring for your baby and more.
Before you leave
- Birth Certificate: After delivery, you will be given a birth certificate worksheet to complete, and the hospital’s Health Information Services Department will use this to prepare your baby’s birth certificate application before you leave the hospital. Birth certificates may be obtained from the Washtenaw County Clerk’s Office. Certified copies of the birth certificate are available approximately 6 to 8 weeks after your child’s birth.
- Social Security Number: You can apply for the Social Security number when completing the birth certificate worksheet. A long delay in receiving the number is common. If you need the number quickly, it is suggested that you apply directly at your nearest Social Security Office.
Car Seat Safety: The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends parents have their newborn's car seat checked by a CERTIFIED TECHNICIAN because 70% of parents install the car seat improperly. To find a CERTIFIED TECHNICIAN in your area, go to or call 866-SEATCHECK.
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