
The Nurse Midwives at Trinity Health specialize in prenatal and childbirth services, while also providing the entire spectrum of well-woman gynecological care. Their services include care and support during labor and delivery, women’s health and pregnancy education, routine annual exams and assistance in family planning and prescription.
Umbilical Cord Blood Donation
Trinity Health Ann Arbor is one of three participating hospitals in Michigan that has partnered with Karmanos Cancer Institute’s J.P. McCarthy Cord Stem Cell Bank to collect umbilical cord blood in anticipation of providing life-saving hope to people who have been diagnosed with cancer and serious blood disorders. The J.P. McCarthy Cord Stem Cell Bank is one of only 21 internationally recognized cord stem cell banks affiliated with the National Marrow Donor Program.
If you decide to bank or donate your baby’s cord blood, arrangements must be made before you deliver the baby. Please talk to your doctor, midwife, or nurse about your options.
Donor Milk Program
When a mother’s own breast milk is not available or there is not enough of it, donor milk from a donor milk bank is the next best option. Milk is donated by healthy women who are nursing their own babies and have extra milk to donate to the milk bank. The milk bank follows safety guidelines set by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANA).
We use donor milk from the Bronson Mothers’ Milk Bank located in Kalamazoo, MI. Donor human milk is pasteurized, a process that uses high heat to kill known bacteria and viruses. The milk is then tested to make sure it is germ-free. Most of the unique factors found only in human milk remain after the heat treatment.
Nitrous Oxide
We were the first program in Southeast Michigan offering nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas. Inhaling the gas helps you maintain a sense of calm and avoid the sleepiness that comes with traditional pain medications. And when you are calm, you have more control during labor and delivery.